Saturday, 21 January 2012

.......Follow through

Live your dream, dream big, exceed your limit, go beyond the ordinary, succeed in all you do......all of these and many more are motivational write ups and books we come across in our daily lives. (Especially the ones we see and read on face book, we are quick to click on the like button or drop a comment). We nod our heads like that of Agama in positive affirmation of what we just read, but I seriously wonder, how many of us consciously put this in practice.
It is very easy to attend motivational seminars or talks,read books like the next day would not come, but in the end, do we really take action? Do we in all consciousness take a leap of faith.
So many mind blowing ideas rummaging through our minds day by day, which one exactly have you followed through.
Some of us may not know that there are actually people who will not succeed until we do. They are those who would not make history until we are bold enough to, people who do not have enough faith to fight their battle until we fight ours. They are those whose destinies are tied to ours. People who look up to us even when we do not know it.
Our success story is what will inspire them to live their dreams.
So, take that bold step concerning that idea you have been thinking of for so long, take that business risk, go into that relationship, Inspire somebody through your faith, and above all else, let God be your focal point.
Let him know when your are starting, and ask him to follow through with you.

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